Compute Node (V) Usage Promotion Program

The elapsed time and node time product for Compute Node (V) has been extended since June of this fiscal year.
In this fiscal year, there is a large bias in the utilization rate of each node. As of August, Compute Node (A) is almost 100%, while Compute Node (V) has a significant margin. To correct this bias, we will change the billing coefficient for Compute Node (V) with low utilization rate.
Please take this opportunity to consider using the Compute Node (V) with high cost performance.

  1. Details of the Compute Node (V) Usage Promotion Program
  2. Maintenance period for billing coefficient change
  3. Restrictions on usage

1. Details of the Compute Node (V) Usage Promotion Program

The billing coefficient for Compute Node (V) will be revised as follows effective from October 2, 2023 12:00 until January 9, 2024.

Computing Resource type Billing coefficient
until Oct 2, 10:00
Billing coefficient
after Oct 2, 12:00
rt_F for Reserved 1.5 Point/hour 0.75 Point/hour
rt_F for the others 1.0 Point/hour 0.5 Point/hour
rt_G.large 0.9 Point/hour 0.5 Point/hour
rt_G.small 0.3 Point/hour 0.2 Point/hour
rt_C.large 0.6 Point/hour 0.3 Point/hour
rt_C.small 0.2 Point/hour 0.1 Point/hour
  • Billing coefficients except for Compute Node (V) are the same as before.

2. Maintenance period for billing coefficient change

Maintenance will be performed during the following schedule.

Date Time Schedule
Mon, Oct 2 10:00-12:00 Maintenance for billing coefficient change of Compute Node (V)

3. Restrictions on usage

The following restrictions apply to users of Compute Node (V).

  1. Creation of reservations after Oct 2 10:00 is prohibited.
    After the maintenance for the billing coefficients change on Oct 2 10:00-12:00 is completed, users will be able to create reservations. Reservations with the new billing coefficients will then be created.

  2. Batch jobs will not be executed during Oct 2 10:00-12:00. However, job submission is possible.
    Jobs that are determined not to be finished by Oct 2 10:00 will become waiting jobs. Jobs that were waiting jobs during the Oct 2 10:00-12:00 maintenance period will be executed with the new billing coefficients after Oct 2 12:00.

  • The other nodes are available.

Contact: ABCI help desk(

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