ABCI System Update and Changes in Computing Resources and Storage for FY2024

Notice of ABCI System Update and Changes in Computing Resources and Storage for FY2024.

  1. System Update Schedule
  2. Termination of ABCI 2.0 operation due to the introduction of the next ABCI system
  3. Other

1. System Update Schedule

Refer to the “System Update (2024-04-12)” in the ABCI User’s Guide for software that will be out of service or upgraded in FY2024.

  • Please note that the “System Update 2024-04-12” will be updated as needed until April 12.
  • Please note that if you re-submit the same job after the system update, it may behave differently than before.

2. Termination of ABCI 2.0 operation due to the introduction of the next ABCI system

Please refer to the link about the following.

3. Other

Other system updates and service termination will be announced at a later date.

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