How to Use ABCI

ABCI Usage Fees (Archive)

History of changes to ABCI point unit price

ABCI Service Fees for ABCI Points (FY2023)

Compute node (A)

Resource Type Resource Overview Spot and On-demand Reserved
rt_AF 8 GPUs, 72 cores, 480GB Memory 3.0 points/hour 108 points/day (equivalent to 4.5 points/hour)
rt_AG.small 1 GPU, 9 cores, 60GB Memory 0.5 points/hour NA

Compute node (V)

Resource Type Resource Overview Spot and On-demand Reserved
rt_F 4 GPUs, 40 cores, 360GB Memory 1.0 points/hour 36 points/day (equivalent to 1.5 points/hour)
rt_G.large 4 GPUs, 20cores, 240GB Memory 0.9 points/hour NA
rt_G.small 1 GPU, 5cores, 60GB Memory 0.3 points/hour NA
rt_C.large 20cores, 120GB Memory 0.6 points/hour NA
rt_C.small 5cores, 30GB Memory 0.2 points/hour NA

Memory-intensive node

Resource Type Resource Overview Spot and On-demand Reserved
rt_M.large 8cores, 800GB Memory 0.4 points/hour NA
rt_M.small 4cores, 400GB Memory 0.2 points/hour NA
rt_M.large2 8cores, amount of memory undetermined 0.4 points/hour NA
rt_M.small2 4cores, amount of memory undetermined 0.2 points/hour NA


Storage Type Spent Points
Home (shared disk) free of charge (200GB)
Group area (shared disk) 5 points/TB⋅month
ABCI Cloud Storage 0.0001 points/GB⋅day (charge-per-use)

Service Fees for ABCI Rack Occupancy Annual Use

Resource Type Resource Overview Spent Points Contract Period
rt_rack.3 3 Racks of Compute Nodes (V) Occupancy w/1200TB of storage 450,000 points/year 1 year (from the start date of ABCI usage in each fiscal year to the end date of usage)
rt_rack.4 4 Racks of Compute Nodes (V) Occupancy w/1200TB of storage 600,000 points/year 1 year (from the start date of ABCI usage in each fiscal year to the end date of usage)